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It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Honey Creek Community!  Honey Creek is a warm, inclusive and student-centric K-8 school committed to creating a unique and nurturing space for our students to grow academically, socially and emotionally.

Honey Creek offers our families a dynamic, multi-age learning environment with an emphasis on project-based and experiential learning.  We are committed to developing the whole child and place special emphasis on building relationships and growing as a member of a community with kindness toward others.

To learn more about our unique educational community,  please contact us at (734) 994-2636, ext, 2200

or via email us at

Welcome to the Honey Creek community!


Kevin Kelly
Executive Director

Honey Creek Community School

(734) 994-2636 ext. 2210



Honey Creek Community School was started by parents who were interested in finding quality alternative education for their children. These families belonged to a day-care program called the Child Care Connection – where children of different ages learned together but were treated individually. As their children grew older, the parents saw the need for a school that operated on a similar philosophy.

In 1995, a charter was granted through the Washtenaw Intermediate School District (WISD), and Honey Creek opened for its first school year. The WISD selected Honey Creek from among other charter applicants because it was deemed the strongest proposal in terms of meeting local needs. The programs it offered were unique and innovative, and there was a high degree of parental involvement.

Honey Creek has grown from its modest beginning with 33 students to a thriving school with three fully enrolled classes at each grade level: Early Elementary (K-1); Middle Elementary (2-3); Later Elementary (4-5) and a Middle School with four base classes each encompassing grades 6,7 and 8. Total enrollment is currently near Honey Creek’s optimal limit at approximately 250 students. Class sizes range from 18 at the lower levels to 20 in the Middle School.

The WISD supports Honey Creek in ways that extend beyond typical charter oversight. Honey Creek shares a campus with the WISD’s High Point School – a facility for special education students – many of whom are severely disabled. The strong, collaborative relationship between the two schools is represented by the boundless playground project that was completed in 2005. Honey Creek and High Point worked together to attract donations and recruit volunteer labor to create “a play environment uniquely configured to provide for inclusive play and to remove the barriers that limit exploration and development.”


Honey Creek Community School develops the whole child by integrating a rigorous, project-based curriculum, real-life experiences and expertise, with a focus on relationships, and an emphasis on the importance of community in a supportive, multi-age classroom setting.


Honey Creek Community School's purpose is to develop the whole child by integrating life, learning and community.


Honey Creek Community School will advance transformative education practices to ensure all students reach their full potential while preparing them to successfully address the emerging challenges of the twenty-first century.

Honey Creek Garden Helpers


We believe that every individual is entitled to a respectful environment that is both physically and emotionally safe in which he/she/they can develop to their full potential.

We believe that students learn and flourish with experiential, integrated, and thematic instruction.

We believe that fostering genuine relationships between the High Point and Honey Creek communities creates opportunities for students to share the joy of life viewed through a broad lens of human experience.

We believe that curriculum-based service learning projects enhance student learning.

We believe students demonstrate their learning as they share, explain, and transfer their new knowledge.



Honey Creek Community School is committed to social justice.  We invite you to read our Statement on Social Justice by clicking here.

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