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Enrollment Waitlists for the 2024-25 Academic Year

This page will feature updated waitlist information for fall 2024 beginning on March 22, 2024.


Unique Identifier Number

Each student on the waitlist will been assigned a unique identifier number which is the last four digits of the primary phone number provided on the application.  To find your child's position on the waitlist, simply look for the unique identifier number.  We will provide those numbers via email at the time of the March lottery and to subsequent applicants.


Going Down in the Waitlist?

Unfortunately it is both possible and common for a child's name to fall further down the waitlist.  This occurs with regularity as siblings accepted in one grade entitle their brother/sister to rise to the top of their respective waitlists for another grade.  In addition, the children of new and returning employees also rise to the top of a waitlist if the employee is seeking enrollment.  We know this can be frustrating but it's an unavoidable component of charter school enrollment.


Unofficial List Disclaimer

Please note this is not the official waitlist for enrollment.  That list is maintained offline by our Enrollment Coordinator.  Any clerical errors that arise in transferring this data are subject to correction which could alter waitlist placement.  We do our utmost to avoid such errors but they are a possibility.


2024-25 Enrollment Waitlists

Last Update:  12:23pm - June 11th, 2024


1. 1681

2. 9944

3. 4074

4. 8006

 5. 8164 


1st Grade



2nd Grade

1. 8729

2. 6621

3. 4424

4. 4301

5. 3651

6. 1018

7. 1033

8. 4364


3rd Grade

1. 6428

2. 9227

3. 1622

4. 6022

  5. 1918L

6. 6651

  7. 1918S

8. 7391

9. 0184

10. 9252

11. 4063

12. 6933

13. 8006

14. 2365



4th Grade

1. 9033

2. 9620

3. 3607

4. 6667

5. 3550

6. 0381

7. 1918

8. 4546

9. 1020

10. 5022

11. 6776

12. 2286

13. 0063

14. 7660


5th Grade 

1. 9308

2. 2048

3. 0104

4. 0184

5. 2349

6. 3113

7. 7540

8. 8548

9. 6319

10. 0770

11. 7569

12. 9058

13. 5655

14. 3433

15. 8006


6th Grade


7th Grade

1. 4966

2. 7540

3. 1430

4. 9252

5. 4520


8th Grade

1. 9614

2. 2960

3. 5022

4. 0666

5. 7696

6. 4074

7. 0491


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