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Principal's Post for the week of October 4 - 8, 2021

Education has been in the spotlight; most of the time, the negatives outweigh the positives. Although these two entities pull at us, watching students grow, learn, laugh and be enthusiastic about being in school, keeps the positives in front of us. Do we have bad days? Absolutely, but the next day can be better if we choose. We can choose to be the better version of ourselves.

We are settling in and classrooms are working on routines with the academics and curriculum. We have had a wonderful math discussion with Nicole Garcia (thank you, Nicole), a book study (Grading for Equity) discussion that is ongoing, and the continuous work of improving what we do. This is not only positive, it is enriching.

Sometimes we can see this work as "one more thing" but if we can reflect on what we know now, we do better.

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