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Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan - FEB 2021

Reconfirmation Meeting

Required Every 30 Days After Initial Plan Approval


  • Reconfirm how instruction is going to be delivered during the 20/21 school year

  • Public comments from parents and/or guardians on the Extended Learning Plan

  • Review weekly 2-way interaction rates

Reconfirmation Meeting for - February

Reconfirm how instruction (Return to Learn Plan) is going to be delivered during the 20/21 school year: (Recommendation: Explain in narrative form any modifications to the original Extended Learning Plan)

At this time, Instruction will be delivered in an online mode. No modifications for March. Honey Creek plans to offer in-person instruction for half days, five days per week beginning on Tuesday, April 6. See plan:

Document Public Comments: NONE

Required Every 30 Days After Initial Plan Approval


  • Reconfirm how instruction is going to be delivered during the 20/21 school year

  • Public comments from parents and/or guardians on the Extended Learning Plan

  • Review weekly 2-way interaction rates

Review Weekly 2-Way Interaction Rates for <Building or Gradespan 1>

Review Weekly 2-Way Interaction Rates for <Building or Gradespan 2>

Review Weekly 2-Way Interaction Rates for <Building or Gradespan 3>

*Recommended, but not required by legislation, to report on Remote/Not Remote and by building or grade span

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